I'm also helping with A&R for Resonoise Records as well as represent them when I DJ. Resonoise has already had one V/A CD & one 12". Also a chilled / down tempo CD from Yellow Magnetic Star. Order Resonoise music via... Resonoise Records

New CD is due at the end of Feb, followed by two 12", then a follow up V/A CD.

Artist featured with Resonoise are...
Sinister Funk (USA), Igneous Sauria (Greece / UK), Mekano (Sweden), Magus (Greece /UK), Peace Data (UK), Loa (Russia), Bonky (Holland), Shakta (UK), Cosmosis (UK), Alfredo Headphonso (Sweden), Mumbo Jumbo (UK), Navajo (Denmark), Neotone (Denmark), Sententia (Greece / UK), Yellow Magnetic Star (UK), Loopus in Fabula (Italy), Speers (France) *Yumade side project*.

I am always looking for that new sound, to DJ with, and now also to push through Resonoise for release. So if you think we would like your tunes, and they would fit the style of the label... PLEASE SEND A DEMO! You never know!

All demo's to be sent on CD or DAT, to:
Glen (Resonoise Records / Omnipotent Eye),
33 Morris House,
Roman Road,
E2 0HP,